So, I took roughly the same picture with my old camera, and then one with my new camera. I don't know about you, but I see a HUGE difference. I LOVE my new camera.
Ok, so it's a silly post, but really, I'm happy that I can take good photos now. No, I don't know anything about photography, and I don't know or understand any of the fancy features on my camera, so don't bother asking. Just bask in the knowledge that my pictures will look better from now on!
I sooo would love a new camera!!
Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great cameras are worth it! What kind is it?
Wow. Big difference. How nice to have a camera that takes such good pictures. We got a new camera a few months ago, but it's not that great. We only got one because our other one broke. Someday I'll have a nice camera. :)
Fun! Colby LOVES his new camera; possibly as much as he loves me...ha ha ha! You'll love it!
We need to buy a new one too, what kind did you get??
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